Test Results
Proof of Concept
Field Test #1

Generate RPMs with load test
Objective: Generate same amount of RPM with unbalanced motor at varying offset weights. Determine how changing weights affect the power of the motor and amplitude of vibrational frequencies.
Setup: Using offsets weights of 3g, 35g, 40g, supply lowest possible PWM signal, measure on oscilloscope.
Pass Criteria: To do this test we will turn on the vibrating mechanism. We will measure the frequency it produces, then attach our accelerometer to the mechanism and record its data output. Once completed we will compare the measured to the simulated data to see if we’re measuring within the range and also the accuracy of frequency between the mechanism and the accelerometer.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: More weight equates to more power needed for more RPMs and higher frequencies.
Field Test #2

Vibration Speed Control Test
Objective: Control the speed of a motor (w/offset weight) using PWM .
Setup: The motor is screwed onto wooden plank for stability. When controlling the speed of motor with offset weight, vibrational frequencies are generated and can be measured through the plank with accelerometers.
Pass Criteria: To pass we must be able to control the motor’s rpm from our 1 - 6000 rpm range.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: We were able to manipulate the speed of the drone motor using the speed controller which received 1.3ms PWM signals from our Arduino board.
Field Test #3

Disassociation of Two Sensors Test
Objective: The objective of this test is to monitor and measure a disassociation in frequency over time between two sensors.
Setup: Created a gain cell to amplify the accelerometer signal. send signal to ADC for better resolution of signal and view the signal on an oscilloscope when vibration is occurring.
Pass Criteria: To be able to pass we must be able measure a 'x' amount of difference in amplitude between the two different accelerometers.
Results: FAIL
Conclusion: We will put these two sensors in two different axis and watch for any spike in amplitude while running the motor.
Field Test #1
Measure Frequency Range Test
Objective: The test will be in accordance with engineering requirement ER1, The objective of this test is to see if we can test for frequencies between the range of 50-100 Hz during vibration testing.
Setup: Connect the widgets on the graphical user interface to control the motor and set the specific frequency modes that want to be tested.
Procedure: Turn on the graphical user face and use the key mechanism to turn on the system, click start on the GUI and then change the modes during the testing for different frequency modes.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Pass will be indicated by visually seeing the motor change at different RPMs per mode and checking the graph
Results: PASS
Conclusion: The failing criteria for this would be not being able to reach the frequencies between 50-100, exceeding would be reaching anything under or above this range while simultaneously reaching the range.
Final Testing

Field Test #2

Eccentric Mass RPM Test
Objective: The motors initial RPMs are 0-3000. Ensure that the 2-to-1 drive train doubles the RPMs produced by the motor from 0 - 3000 RPMs to 3000-5000 RPMs.
Setup: Connect the Raspberry Pi and run the GUI script. Ensure the motor is secure to the table and 2-to-1 drive train is in place.
Procedure: Ensure all appropriate connections for the motor and GUI are correct. Start on mode 1 of 6 of the motor, Using a tachometer measure the RPMs of the rotation eccentric mass, in all modes. Run each mode for 15 mins and measure RPMs each minute. Document in spreadsheet or table.
Pass/Fail Criteria: To pass the motor modes 1-6 covers ranges of 3000 - 6000 RPMs consistently. Fail: Mode 1-6 does not cover required ranges
Conclusion: Using a gear ratio of 2:1 allows us to reach the higher rpms without having to compromise, this mechanical method helps us pass our function testing.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: Testing ranges from average 208 RPMs - 5400 RPMs, we we're unable to hit the 6000 rpm mark but we were close, we've concluded it may be a gear ratio issue or user measure error.
Field Test #3

Max Testing Weight Test
Objective: Table performs at expected frequency and RPM ranges when a product of up to 45 kg is placed under test for each mode. Be able to read frequency ranges from 50-100Hz with an accelerometer from motor modes 1-6 on platform or unit under test.​
Setup: Ensure all wiring and all structural components are in place and ready. Sensor box is wired and ready for testing.
Procedure: Ensure all wiring and all structural components are in place and ready for testing. Strap down the unit under test to the platform with ratchet straps and make sure that there is no room for movement. Secure sensor box on top of the unit under test, tidy and secure any loose wires so that they will not inhibit accelerometer readings. Start testing modes 1-6 and for graph to generate on GUI. Make sure that readings are as expected and correlates to each motor mode frequency.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Pass: Sensor box readings and graph correlates to corresponding frequencies of each mode. Fail: Intelligible readings or skewed reading. Does not correspond with what is expected.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: This test will allow us to make sure that the table can hold up 45 kg of weight while being tested and still produce sufficient readings.
Field Test #4

Motor Duration Test
Objective: Ensure that the motor and complete system is able to withstand testing of up to 15 mins.
Setup: Connect the Raspberry Pi and run the GUI script. Ensure all connections and cables are secure and correct. Motor and offset weight are configured on the table securely.
Procedure: Run the motor at max speed (mode 6) for at least 15 mins. Be observant of any shift or physical changes to the table, platform, or motor & drive train. Key off the motor immediately if any structural faults occur.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Pass: No structural or electrical fault/complications occur within testing duration & motor runs consistently. Fail: Structural or electrical faults occur.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: By running the test at maximum mode with the highest RPMs, we can guarantee that we have ample time to conduct the required testing, even beyond the necessary duration.
Field Test #5

Graphical User Interface Screen Test
Objective: Make a graphical interface that the user interacts with to set up the test and also view the data in real-time.
Setup: Have a welcome screen introducing the user to the control panel that would have an input section for the duration of the test, a start button to initiate the test(Motor and Detector Box), and a stop button in case they wanted to terminate the test before the countdown timer. The graph with data showing the Amplitude(force) v. Frequency, as well as major frequency and other data.
Procedure: To set up we’ll bring all images to the desktop for us to set them as widgets, use the widgets as buttons for the control panel and welcome screen for the user to send input. Finally code in python language to implement the button control for motor control once the raspberry pi is connected to the motor properly.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passing criteria would be to have an initial welcome screen which will transition to a control panel screen, from the control panel screen we should be able to start the countdown timer , set the frequency mode, start testing and also stop while seeing live graphing.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: The graphical user interface provides convenient motor control, enabling users to easily test their products and enhancing user-friendliness
Field Test #6

Motor Stoppage Mechanism Test
Objective: This test will be in accordance with engineering requirements ER6 and will have the motor stop spinning within 3 seconds after the motor shut down mechanism is activated with no residual table vibrations.
Setup: Once the system is under testing with the load, the user will be able to simply use the key, turn the position of the key, and the whole system besides the raspberry pi will turn off.
Procedure: To do this we’ll need to key the system on to allow it power, use the graphical user interface to control the speed of the motor and change it to any opf the six different modes. Once the system is being tested , the user will be able to either click the stop button on the GUI or key of the system completely to have the motor halt under three seconds.
Pass/Fail Criteria: Failing criteria would be for the motor to take longer than three seconds to come to a complete stop without residual vibrations occurring throughout the table.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: Being able to cut the motor off at a moment's notice will allow the user in case of an emergency to turn off the system to mitigate any more damage to the system.
Field Test #7

Motor Speed Control: Unloaded Test
Objective: For Engineering requirement 1. Control the speed of the motor from 1Hz- 50Hz (with no drive train or eccentric weight). This speed should be ½ of what is stated in ER1 because this speed will be doubled with a 1 to 2-drive train.
Setup: Connect the motor to the speed controller, physical buttons (used for inputs to a written program in Arduino to control speed), and digital potentiometer configuration.
Procedure: Switch on 36V DC power to the speed controller and motor with the key switch. Click the start button to initiate minimum input voltage. Begin incrementing the button to start at speed 1 of 6. For each speed 1 - 6, run each for 15 minutes. Measure the motor speed using a tachometer every minute. At the end of each 15 min interval test the stop button to ensure that the motor comes to a halt within 1 sec. of initiation.
Pass/Fail: Pass criteria will indicate that the motor is able to reach speeds within 1Hz - 50Hz or (up to 3000 RPMs) and the Stop button is functional and motor halts within 1 sec.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: Pass
System Test #1
Eccentric Mass coupling with table and mechanical parts can withstand forces generated
Objective: For engineering requirement 1, the objective of this test will be to couple the eccentric mass with a gear ratio of 2:1 to the vibration table and test.
Setup: To meet the frequency requirements, it is necessary to mechanically connect the motor to the table by implementing a pulley system with a gear ratio of 2:1. Cut and weld the table together with the pulley mechanism, and then use the pulley to generate the appropriate frequencies during testing.
Procedure: Switch on 36V DC power to the speed controller and motor with the key switch. Click the start button to initiate minimum input voltage(mode 1), and to initiate testing for 15 minutes from the detector box. Repeat again for the maximum input voltage(mode 6). While the test is running for each mode measure the motor speed using a tachometer, and convert rpm to cycles per second. Then compare recorded values to GUI data values, and make sure they align in the range from 50Hz to 100Hz.
Pass/Fail: Passing criteria would be being able to test under load in between the frequency range of 50-100Hz.
Results: PASS
Conclusion: Being able to implement testing with a pulley system in this frequency range provides us with a completed working system that proves our engineering requirement 1 to stand true. No mechanical part faults.
Motor reaches meets RPMs under load and controls with GUI
System Test #2
Objective: For engineering requirement 3, the objective of this test will be to test the table under a load and measure if the range of 3000-5000 RPMs are being.
Setup: Ensure that the product is securely fastened to the table before activating the system. Power on the graphical user interface and begin testing at lower modes, gradually increasing to the desired RPMs, and then proceed to test at higher modes.
Procedure: Set the product that’s going to be tested on top of the table , turn on the tremor bench system and set the frequencies to the higher frequency modes for testing. Measure the motor using the tachometer and tape to see what the RPMs will be under load.
Pass/Fail: Passing criteria will be indicated if we measure the RPMs on the tachometer and it reads back 3000-5000 RPMs within the modes, and failing would represent anything below 3000 and not surpassing that.
Results: PASS the system is able run at expected RPMs and is controllable through a touchscreen GUI.
Conclusion: This would meet our standards that we’re looking for under the load which also means that our gear ratio for the motor was properly configured.
System Test #3
Accelerometers can measure 50-100Hz, plot raw and FFT data on the GUI under testing.
Objective: For engineering requirement 1, the objective of this test will be to test the functionality of the accelerometers when the table is in operation, its communication without GUI, as well as its the GUIs ability to plot raw and FFT data as a test is being run.
Setup: Ensure that all mechanical and electrical parts and connections are secure and in the right order. The accelerometer configuration boxes containing an accelerometer and microcontroller are ziptied and secure in desired positions under the vibrating platform, making sure there is minimal slack and wires are in no danger or obstructing moving parts. The microcontroller will be connected via USB to the raspberry pi. This will be the point of power and data connections.
Procedure: Run the testing modes as indicated in previous function tests from modes 1 through 6. Ensure that when starting the motor the plot pops up in a separate window. This window should contain a raw data graph as well as an FFT graph.
Pass/Fail: Passing criteria will involve the GUIs ability to plot raw and FFT data when tests are running. When the motor starts the graph is showing. Failing Criteria entails unreliable plotting windows or no graph showing at all when testing has begun.
Results: PASS the system is able to collect accelerometer data as will as pop up a window when the motor is set to begin. Raw data and FFT graphs are shown together.